Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Guangzhou Trademark Registration: China to Open The First Intellectual Property Court

China will soon establish a court exclusively handling intellectual property (IP) disputes in a welcome move for a country long criticised for insufficient protection of such rights. The court will likely be introduced in Guangdong, a bustling trading hub, and major municipalities.

Intellectual property safeguards are important in fostering fair competition, and ensuring due credit and compensation to firms’ or individuals’ innovations. It's said that the new intellectual property court could be approved soon, and three Guangdong cities – Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai – have filed proposals to build it.

China's First Intellectual Property Court

China has a poor reputation for trampling on intellectual property rights, shown by the prevalence of counterfeit goods along with the increase in intellectual property disputes at home and abroad. US tech giant Apple has filed and faced lawsuits from Chinese firms over patents.

Nearly half of the intellectual property cases involve overseas companies and individuals, including from the two SARs, according to the government’s latest White Paper on Intellectual Property Protection.

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(News Sourcing from

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