This was one of the traditional activities of Touch Law Firm and was prepared for our VIP clients.
It was a wonderful evening. Started by Mr. Jimmy Li, the managing director of Touch Law Firm as well as the vice president of GCOIC, Guangdong Chamber of International Commerce, our clients and their partners or friends not only enjoyed a delicious meal but also a short entertainment performed by Touch. It was the show time for how to make Chinese tea and lucky draw.
Welcome Speech
Besides that, the Business Unit Director of Touch Law Firm Mr. Harvey Chen shared some important tips of doing business in Guangzhou followed by Mr. Jalil, who shared his business experience with Touch.
All in all, what Touch Law Firm wanted to express was the sincere thank-you to the client’s business support and found more business solution to them.
We are looking forward to see you in 2014.
Speech Of Mr. Jalil
During The Dinner
Our Team
About Touch Law Firm:
Touch Law Firm is dedicated to provide international corporation and entrepreneurs with professional investment solutions in China. Our services:Company registration, tax&accounting, trademark registration and Chinese visa consulting.